Field Commander rocks - the more you play, the harder its to put down!

User Rating: 9.1 | Field Commander PSP
A strategy game for PSP you say? Oh, but it is turn based..should have known there is a catch. Don't let that fool you though, after all chess (probably the most successful strategy game of all time) is turn based. This is exactly what Field Commander is. Actually a bit like Battle Chess with a much bigger board to play on with your invisible tanks and tank buster like queens and your headquarter like the king.
When I first played the game I was a bit sceptical, but the more I played the more I wanted. I even preferred playing this title to some graphical superior titles on my PC, which proves once again that eye candy does not make for good gaming. I can hear my wife go: 'Told you so!'.
The concept is simple. You have a base that generates credits and you can build some units with it to kick enemy butt. The more regions and cities you capture, the more credits and thus the more butt kicking. Oh, and of course there is the odd super weapons and special abilities for each division that adds a bit more butt kicking.
All in all it is a fun game for strategy fans and well worth the purchase.