Addictive turn-based strategy based on modern warfare.

User Rating: 8.5 | Field Commander PSP
There are not many good turn-based strategy games of this style for a long time since Final Fantasy Tactics perhaps, and Field Commander makes use of the addictiveness of such strategy elements on a modern premise where your tanks are the knights and rocket launchers are your mages. The key strategy tactics still focus on the placement of your units against the enemies to gain maximum first strike and that is what makes this genre so addictive in the first place.

Actually, you have to play it to understand how addictive it can get, and it's backed up by great unit designs and a generally solid soundtrack, if somewhat repetitive. However, you will come to realise that both the enemy and you have generally the same unit types in both arsenals, just with different descriptions. Think of it as english chess. But the strategy action is still strong since controlling the terrain plays a significant part in gaining footholds and improving mobility.

Trust me, give it a try if you like strategy games like FF Tactics, and be refreshed by the modern touch that Field Commander offers.
