Great Game that Keeps you playing!

User Rating: 9 | Field Commander PSP
Field Commander Full Length Review!

Field Commander was released May 23, 2006, and is a great Turn- Based Strategy game, very similar to Advanced Wars. Rated T for violence and Blood.

Story- You have been recruited by ATLAS, an advanced organization built to fight covert groups that terrorize, incite wars, trade in the black market. You have missions in which you take turns, and must either destroy all enemies, or capture the enemy's HQ. You can fight on Air, Sea, Or land. There are many different types of units, including tanks, half Tracks, infantry, snipers, Tank Busters, Utility Copters, Spec ops, Trucks, Anti Aircrafts, and so on. I give this a 9.1/10 since it's good, but not really origonal.

Graphics- When moving, you are at a eagle's eye view, then once you attack, or get attacked, you move to a spectators view. The grapics are pretty good, but can be improved. This might be the worst thing about the game, and considering it's not at all that bad, you already know that the game's going to be great! However, the graphics are still pretty good, and the animation is great. The environment is polished, and looks beautiful, so I give this a 8.1/10

Sound- The background music that plays while enjoying the game fits in perfectly, as it's typical war music. Sort of like the music that plays in Halo , or a game like that. And all the voice ins are great, since they're unique for the 30+ ppl that are in this game! There is about 40 minutes of talking in this game from breifing and overviews. This is a great addition to the game, so I give it a 9.5/10

Controls- The controls are easy to use, and doesn't take much getting used to. Maybe 20 minutes at the most. You don't much more than simply the X button, but if you do, it's [] to view your attack range, and when clicked once more, you can view your movement range (the spaces are shaded). Click once more to exit it. You use Triangle to read info on the unit. O is to go to the next unit, and then you can assign that unit a move. The Analog Stick rotates the camera, and the D pad moves from space to space. And Finally, R to see a Mini map. It's pretty simple, so I give this a 9.3/10

Gameplay- Field Commander is a PSP exclusive, and fits well on the PSP. You can pick it up and play, and when you need to go, you can simply save where you are to play whenever you want! In other words, you can save inbetween missions. It had smooth gameplay, although it froze up for 1 or 2 seconds after you assign a unit an order and it's goes from the eagle eye view to the "spectators" view. So, I gave it a 8.6/10

Difficulty- This game can get somewhat frustrating, as well as difficult, and at times, you get stuck. Like me. There's no way to change the difficulty, so you just have to keep on trying, until you finally win. It usually takes me 3-4 tries on every level to defeat the enemy. It's a little harder than the normal game, but still managable, earning itself an 8.4/10

Multiplayer Options- Okay, now this may as well be the BEST part of the game. It featurs Hot Swap (where 2 ppl take turns playing eachother on 1 PSP), AD HOC, Infrasacture, and Transmission Mode. You can upload and download courses that other users have made, thus making it ETERNAL REPLAYABILITY There are Leaderboards, as well. Unfortunetly, the games take as long as 2 hours (my first game took an hour and a half, and I never finished). This part of the game is great, earning a well deserved 9.6/10!

Replay Value- With the ability to make and share user made levels, this game has eternal Replayability! The campaign mode takes a while, and once you're done with that, you can enjoy all the courses that are online, as well as finally take the time to read about every vehicle (once you see a new vehicle, it gives you a LOT of information on it, that's useless, but interesting). So, this definetly gets a 10/10 on this part! It gives Information on every newly learned of Unit.

Loading Times- The loading times in this game are great everywhere, except for in the beginning of the game where it takes like 30 seconds to load up But, while starting a mission, the loading times are a mere 15 seconds... at the most! It's great to just pick up and play. I give the loading times a 9.2/10!

Overall- This game is a great asset to the PSP game collection, and one of the best games out, earning itself a 9.2/10! It has Great Multiplayer Options, Eternal Replayability, Easy and Simple Controls.. You name it, and it has it! Get this game, and I know you'll enjoy it!