Like Skyrim with guns

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry 3 PS3
What can one say about this game. The story mode itself was excellent as we follow the main protagonist emerge from a rich boy who is a bit of a wimp, into this man who surprisingly loves to kill. the story at times was a bit ad hoc but there where many moments that made it up, most notably the sections where the player ends up taking drugs and going on a crazed trip.

Graphics are outstanding and the AI was well programmed as the enemies actually used cover extremely well making me rethink tactics.

The one thing that I did like was the hunting for game to craft new bits of kit. this was quite fun and allowed much more exploration than other games. However some of the animals where not killed by a sniper shot to the head and so was a pain trying to chase after them.

A main component of the liberation of the Island was the clearing of pirate bases. this was an easy enough task and the pay off was worth the time taken but i did find for most of the game all i had to do was sneak in, turn of the alarm tag all the bad guys and then pick them off one by one with a suppressed sniper rifle although this was amusing as you can shoot free caged animals like bears and tigers leaving the people not much chance of living.

The only issue is the mini statues, there are hundreds of them and some are stupidly hard to find. i didn't see much reward for gaining a few so just gave up looking in the end.

The game its self is a well structured well rounded game and is a must for people who are fans of Skyrim, GTA, and any FPS as its an interesting game with a just as interesting ending.