If you are a fan of the show it is worth a rental, if you are not than the repetative, broken gameplay will haunt you

User Rating: 6 | Family Guy PS2
I am a huge Family Guy fan. The show is probably one of my favorites, and is definitely my all time favorite cartoon. The show is offensive and crude and without that it wouldn't be Family Guy. Thank God that 2K games was able to port this all to the game, but that is pretty much the only thing that they game has going for it. The story is basically a never before seen episode. You play as Stewie, Brian, and Peter. Stewie's missions are the only fun missions. These involve shooting and tons of fun platforming. Brian is based around stealth, and the trial and error gameplay can get pretty annoying, and if there were one set of levels that will make you not want to come back to the game, it would be these. Peter thinks Mr. Belvedere is cloning everyone and that he must defeat everyone. Peter's missions are more of a throw back to old arcade beat em ups. These also get repetitive and frustrating. Thank God that this game has the humor of the show. If the humor were not present, then the game would be nothing more than a paperweight. Its not super expensive, but I do not see why anyone would buy this game when a rental is all you need to see that you are not missing anything. The cell-shaded graphics give the game a Family Guy feel, but with two out of the three types of gameplay being severely dysfunctional and repetitive the Family Guy feel is not enough to save this one.