A pretty shameful game for a good show, but an OK play when you first buy it.

User Rating: 6 | Family Guy PS2
The Family Guy Video Game is quite fun when you first buy it, but when you play it the second time, its kinda old already.
The graphics are unique cell-type which look interesting, but not that smooth.
The story is pretty lame and random, but is a good laugh.
The whole playing time is finishable in almost one day, which is dissapointing.
I must say the mini games give a good look from over the whole show.
Most of the game is very easy and other parts a pretty challenging, but the whole thing is pretty much the same gameplay over and over.
Overall, the game is OK fir a while but after a maximum of two times playing the whole game, it becomes boring.
If you are a fan of Family Guy, I would recomend you rent it for maybe three days, but buying it may not be fully recomended.
This game is fun when playing with other people for some reason.