This game actually turned out well, so unexpected...

User Rating: 9 | Family Guy PSP
I enjoyed playing Family Guy The Video Game. When I first got it, I was like; This better be worth my $15.00 because usually video games from TV Series/Movies/Cartoon and Animes are crap and boring so I thought Family Guy was just like that.

But then, it turned out to be awesome!! I love playing as Stewie and Peter killing and beating people up including lil' kids hahahahaha. I hate playing as Brian because all he does is hide and not get caught. I did not really like him in the game. the cut-scenes and mini - games were awesome too, they were hilarious.

The bad things about Family Guy is its controls(which get boring because it is the same thing), and the graphics. I wish they made Chris playable too, that would habe been good.

The sound is one of its best parts too. The characters are always screaming funny things while eliminating enemies.
The story is great and funny.

Overall, Family Guy is a must play to those Family Guy Fans watching the Series on TV like me!!