the show was a awesome but the game is just plain horrible.

User Rating: 5.5 | Family Guy PS2
this game is just not original if you compare it to the other T.V. show games. the graphics are plain to understand. the game play is just like a "Ratchet and Clank", "Jak and Daxter" and some parts are like a 3-D side scroll-er. the story in the game is just some of the older episodes built into one. the player gets to play as Stewie, Brian, Peter, yet you play as them in different parts. When you play as Stewie it is a free formed adventure game. Brian's part in the game is like playing a sneaking spy/ninja game without the blood and weapons. well Peter's part is a side scrolling fighting game at the end of the each level you have to fight a weird looking boss. in conclusion this game is just not worth buying but renting or borrowing from a friend is good. do not buy this game or you just regret in buying it.