Wow, you would expect better from this game

User Rating: 2.5 | Family Guy PS2
I don't even understand why i'm typing a review for this piece of crap, waste of time, boring and dull, game. There is nothing fun about it all. As stewie all you do is collect these stupid gun upgrades and as everyone else it is still boring. All quagmire does is say the same jokes over and over. The graphics are probably what you would expect from such a lousy game such as this. Man 2k screwed up BIG time. Maybe next time they will think before they get a piece of crap idea that was pulled out of someone's butt. I wasted over 3 hours of my life on this game. Please whoever reads this, don't do the same. You will not enjoy this, It it terrible. To think that it is such a letdown......A great show though.......but a very, very lousy game! To all who read this do not rent and waste money, buy and waste money, or play and waste time, on this game!!!!!!