If your a Famliy Guy fan you'll know the jokes stright away.

User Rating: 7.5 | Family Guy PS2
I say Fat man Fat man! yep it's Family Guy in this new story episode in the game you play as Brian, Peter and Stewie. The rest of the charcters are there too like Death, Louis, Meg, Chris and others.
The gameplay and story for the 3 charcters is Brain has been framed because Mr Pewterschmidts thinks he's been at his dog Seabreeze and gets sent to prison so basiclly you escape prison and clear Brains name in a stealth type kinda like Metal Gear Solid but you can't get caught. Stewie's story is plans for World Domination but failed by Bertram who's trying to take over the world too main objective for Stewie is stopping him from his plots by useingh a Ray-Gun to blast enimies and a bit of space in vaders too. Peter's story is injured by a freak accident and thinks a 1980's sicom star has kiddnapped his Family so your basiclly fighting your way through the town kinda like Streets of Rage if you know what I mean. There are also mini game cutscenes that you'll proppley seen on the TV series.
The graphics are kinda dull but close to the TV version of the series, the sounding the best becuase of the voices and jokes which are pure funny.
This game is cheap to get if your not sure in getting it rent it first but you will get it done in a few hours or so.