An o.k. game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Family Guy PS2
we'll start at graphics, they're ok but their too cartoonish and when people talk their mouths make wrong movements or don't move at all.Now the story mode, peter's levelsare pretty dang pointless. Stewie's have somewhat of a story, but Brian's levels go together great. And sound, Characters say some hilarious things, but they say it over, and over again. It's a short game, but i like it. it takes things from the show that are funny if you watch the show. It's rated M for mature but i think it should be T for Teen honestly. To love this game, you have to be like me and watch the show. So, over-all, It's a pretty good game. the next letters are so that it's long enough, sorry for the inconvinience. jfgj tj fgh tfj jytj ghj djhj yfhj tfs gkjh ghj fjfy jfyj g shg drukhguy huyhuy ghyt ghigh di7g u dryrdy hy y h hfdu ugjtj tytytytytyj ytj tyhjg up from the word up i almost typed drunk guy gjhfhjfjh hjfhjyyjngh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjujh hk,ugkguk kg gk...