Family Guy makes for a very dull expeience

User Rating: 5.5 | Family Guy PS2
Family Guy is a hilarious show but a horrible game that probably shouldnt have been made although you will most likely have a few laughs from dialogue youve already heard. Family Guys gameplay is boring and uninspired, the graphics are pretty decent and the voice acting is good.

Through the game you will play three characters Peter, Stewie and Brian and they each have a different story. When your Peter all you have to do is fight a whole bunch of different people. Stewies story is a bit more fun because you get to use a laser gun and Brians story is probably the most boring one because there is no fighting involved just sneaking around. Through the three stories there will be flashbacks which you have probably seen in the show but in the game you get to play them but there all pretty easy.

Overall family guy the game is pretty s**t and id only recommend it to a die-hard fan of the show that has nothing better to do.