Captures the shows humor and brings slightly new episodic gameplay into action. Simple button mashing fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Family Guy XBOX
Really good button mashing fun that has a few elements added. With Brian the Dog, your task is to basically be as stealthy as possible, while Stewie is bent on destroying his would be brother Bertram. Peter's levels are mostly a button mashing frenzy that demand everyones destruction. Alot of the shows main characters come to life in this game but the main playable characters are as mentioned above. Thats a bit disappointing but never the less its still loads of fun.

The gameplay was interesting for us, and personally I found not only the levels fun, but the weaponry / hand to hand combos also. The simplistic button mashing is fun and there is room for upgrades too on some items like Stewie's ray (which has auto targeting) and Peter's combo moves. Peter also has 3 super moves that he can perform when his super meter is filled or filling. We found this game very true to the TV Series with its non stop laughs and harsh dry humor.I think its a cell shaded game, and the color is awesome. The actual playable character models where sort of blocky though and the rendering could have been better. Most objects and other characters were easy on the eyes though.

[Cons]: Some levels can be annoyingly hard to pass, which is most likely due to the checkpoints being kind of inconsistent in placement. This is only true for a couple of levels though. Certain enemies will only lose health to certain moves / combos, which isn't very apparent to begin with. The fixed point of view was annoying at times and allowing the player to search around the map in 3d rotation would have been a much better option that the fixed pov. It really hinders some of the levels because your totally unable to see your objectives until you reach that position or height level. Graphics

[Sounds]: Not bad at all. Stewies gun has some nice audio to it during any of its 4 funtions. All the big voice acting is here including Quagmire ,Cleveland, Joe and Mayor West. There are loads of explosions and such in this game so I'd give this a 10/10 for audio.

[Overall]: This is a really great game for any Family Guy fan, and the game play levels are tv series orientated and familiar to those who watch it. Those who arn't fans may not enjoy this though. There are some really fun levels and mini games in this one also. While there is nothing you haven't seen in the series on here, you get to relive in game, all the hilarious Family Guy moments that count.