Fallout is one of those games which grabs you strait from the start.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout PC
Fallout, much like the elder scrolls series was a series in which i had felt the need to trace back to it's roots after playing the superb FO3 (oblivion is still better :)). I wanted to learn more about the story an more importantly experience the world of fallout before Bethesda had acquired it. However i found more.

It has only been a couple of weeks since i purchased FO from interplay, however i have found myself playing endlessly on it. On the surface FO is an excellent game, it is open ended the variety of weapons, the people and places as well as the storyline are superb. Despite the game not being fully working (i got no sound from key characters speaking) i stil found it an enjoyable and addictive experience.

However there is something else, being gamers as we all are i am sure you know what i mean when i say a game can be good, but to be brilliant i has to have something else. This something else is hard to explain, and i don't know what it is, all i can say it Fallout has it.

Furthermore Fallout has what alot of games lack today, original features, the game world was so original, the combat and the character customization too and the atmosphere was something else.

Upon completing the game i felt that sense of achivement, and that regognition of what i had just done. Some games are just games some are more, it is a hard thing to achive. Fallout falls into the latter.

For the past couple of weeks i have been playing fallout endlessly, but not because i felt myself compelled to do so. It is because i would rather play fallout then any other game at the moment, forget your call of duty 4 (epic) or your GTA4, gameplay is what counts not graphics or scale. In this respect Fallout succeeds.

Anyone who has not played this game yet i would very much encourage to do so, this is a once in a lifetime experience.

(my spelling is bad so theres probably a couple of errors in there)