One of the Best RPGs ever made

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout PC
It is hard to be objective about fallout because it was the first PC Game i ever bought and in my top 5 all time favorite games. I first played this on my crappy old Packard Bell PC with a whopping 128 MB of Ram upgraded from 64 MB,and a 325 Mhz cpu,and an 8 gig hard drive. This was and still has the best story of the fallout series and has all the good rpg elements in it. It was so different from the fantasy type rpg games at the time i think many people overlooked it for a long time. The post apocalyptic style and atmosphere of the game blew me away from the moment i first stepped foot out of the vault. It was also a more adult game in many ways as you know if you ever played it. Not many games try something new but this was unique in many ways when it came out. Anyone one who does not try this incredible classic is missing out on a great story and a lot of fun.