This game won't get an 9.0 from me. I just give it :

User Rating: 8.9 | Fallout Tactics PC
A formula of this game:
RPG+Tactical+Real-time action = Fallout tactics: B.O.S.
Setting in the world of Fallout, not just a tribal or a Vault Dweller, you started with a guy who has joined the Brotherhood Of Steel, the strongest army.
I was shocked by many thing that Micro Forte has done with Fallout world, like the improvement of the graphic, the smoother motion of the charater, the real tiem action (not just only turn base) But Micro Forte keeps the good thing that makes Fallout's fan loves, like the PIPboy drawing, the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point, and vary of Perk and Skill point.... Also, in this game, you are just not control your main character, you can also control your team and raise their level, adding perks, skill points as your main character, the thing that u can't do in Fallout 2.
Micro Forte has known how to make an good tactical Fallout game, and they have made another part of the Fallout series, another side of Fallout world for gamers to travel around.