The game is just fun...

User Rating: 10 | Fallout Tactics PC
I don't understand why some don't like this game due to it not being "Fall Out 3"? This is simply a different game all together and yet is STILL VERY FUN. You start off pretty simple as a tribal warrior that gets recruited and then gets the opportunity to lead a squad on missions for the Brother Hood of Steel. The Blood and Gore is still VERY MUCH there and the special encounters in my own opinion far out do fallout 1 and 2.

There is NO role playing here... there is a little, but dont think this is like fallout 1 and 2 ; I think many folks did; and were disappointed when this game showed the shoot m' up factor.

This GAME is still VERY FUN and I enjoyed and am enjoying it now as we speak. I reloaded my old 4 year old copy hit up the patch and have been playing this old classic for the past 2 weeks. VERY FUN, one of my favorite games by far!