A poor attempt at a Baldur's Gate: DA clone.

User Rating: 4.9 | Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel XBOX
While playing this game, I got the feeling that no gamer wants to have. I felt the urge to turn this game off permanantely and move on. And that was after like six hours. After booting up this turd of a game, I realized that I had just wasted my money and should've just played Baldur's Gate: DA 2 first. For some reason, I tend to like to punish myself by being stubborn and trying a game anyways. Well, my mistake!! Fallout is a horrid attempt to carbon-copy BG:DA. The story is completely stupid. The graphics are crap. The voice acting is hideous. And the gameplay is sub-par. I was actually shocked how badly they screwed this game up. While you would think that a BG:DA type game in the Fallout universe, would at least be somewhat intertaining. This game is not entertaining. They take everything from that much superior game and find some way to either make it mundane or they screw it up. The development of your character has been dumbed down to the point where you barely notice it's there. There are hardly any difference between the three characters you can select. The storyline is completely asinine and you could care less about the characters. The graphics look like a low-res version of the BG:DA engine, which is getting old anyways. The voice acting made me want to take a pen and stab my eye ball, as I would feel that would be less painful than hearing this game talk. Even the controls are not up to par as the game this game is trying SO hard to copy. In short, avoid this game and get BG:DA. If you REALLY have to see this game for yourself, go to your video store and RENT (not BUY) and you'll see what I am talking about. I would rather be involved in a actual fallout situation than put this game back in my Xbox.