Absolutely amazing!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout 3 PC
I am a huge fan of Fallout 1 & 2, but didn't care much for Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel spin offs. This game, is also amazing! The game engine is similar to Oblivion but alot more up-to-date and more features. The world does definetly feel Fallout and alot of the features that make Fallout is there; like random encounters and lots of places to explore. Alot of familure sound effects really add to the original feel of the game. Dialog tree is still there and the theme and visuals would make any Fallout fan like this game. But with the idea of DLC(downloadable Content) makes me very excited thinking what other cool things we will have instore for this game. The only thing I think would have made this game better is some kind of note book you can type in so you can make notes regarding locations where there are locks you can't open yet due to lack of skill, so you can look back and go get them. This game is soo big that I can't remember them all. This game is an amazing addition to the Fallout series that is really well made! GREAT JOB BETHESDA!!!