It will Grow on you

User Rating: 8.5 | Fallen Earth: Welcome to the Apocalypse PC
First of all dont EVER go off Gamespot's reviews for PC. The reason why is because PC games can be changed over night to A year .Im going to make this short and to the point.
This game dose have great graphics so for some of you smaller systems, youll need upgrades(RAM)
I hear people complaining about theres "NO EXPANSION PACK,THERES NO PREPAID CARDS" well bottom line is,the game is new and there working out the BUGS
Which brings me to the main topic of this review ,YES it does have BUGS,ISSUES or what ever you want to call them,BUT!! and thats A big BUT if you decide to pay or try and play, give it time this comapny is hard at work to know your input.
It has great stories , the possibilties are endless with your character and I have A feeling they'll do well.People don't remember when WOW came out it sucked very hard to use and had plenty of bugs to smash there budget,they also didnt have to compete with the other MMO's(swg) out there.Everyone ( software companys) out there want to build the best MMO.Well , this one is A hybrid and they neeed your help to bring in the BEST MMO.
I disagree with most things in the game but the things I saild on the forum were changed in the game in 2 weeks that goes to show this is A serious company.Maybe theres NO expansion pack or prepaild cards but if I owned A company that was starting out I would'nt waste my budget on that and than fail at makeing a game like some other MMO's
So bottom line , it's hard to use but by becoming one of there familiy you always have A spot at the dinner table with them.They love your input and have lot's of input on the game to make it easier for you ....also A new patch is comeing for the ones who wanted more.