Fable III It's incredible game, but the second of the series is better.

User Rating: 9 | Fable III X360
There are many, many years , there was a kingdom called Albion, the home of the bravest heroes in the world. The gamers of the series " Fable" discovered this fantastical kingdom in mid- 2004 , presented by Peter Molyneux on the original Xbox. With the arrival of the third game of the franchise , you can see the evolution of the title as a whole, improving all there and bringing innovations that enhance the experience of hours they spend in the company of a savior.
When starting a new campaign the player chooses whether to play with a prince or a princess , a decision that apparently can be simple, but already shows the weight of the choices - the main theme of " Fable ." The protagonist struggles to dethrone his brother , a ruthless tyrant who makes children work , raised taxes and made everyone's life a living hell in the kingdom . It is implied that the player must take his place to become a good king and prevent more misfortune falls upon the residents of Albion - but nothing prevents the opposite happens .

The path to the reign

Explore the world of " Fable III"
The game can be divided into two parts, the era of revolution and the time of his reign. At first , we see the prince trying to win the largest number of followers to fight against tyranny. He will visit people in all corners of the world accompanied by his faithful dog, interacting with farmers , fulfilling orders and proving to be a good king. Of course this is up to the player, who can be an angel or a devil , carrying terror wherever he goes.

New missions are released as the player's progress , how to find buried items , ending an unsuccessful marriage or capture a fugitive. The variety is enormous and unlikely players will be picked up the monotony . It is highly recommended to install the game on the Xbox 360 hard drive , because the back and forth between one city and another, usually accompanied by load times - a hassle minimized with the copy installed on HD.
Series veterans will notice that known sites of " Fable II " has deteriorated appearance . Residents are not as friendly as before , but accept to dance with the hero in the middle of the square and laugh at jokes. And always be scared of roaring and a sword in the neck. The interaction system returns , maintaining the option to develop serious relationships and create families with children and wife to care for.

There are fewer options for interaction in the previous game , besides losing the tab selection commands. But the entry of predetermined actions makes the system more dynamic.

The biggest change was in the management of items and powers of the hero. There is a list of menu items or tasks that can be fitted . Everything is done in a scenario, the Shrine , where the hero has to travel to find the best weapon , the magic you want to use and the clothes she wants to wear . In a way, a character uses a magical portal displaced time and space in which he can switch armor in a blink of an eye - even in the midst of a struggle - it seems more believable than choosing items from a menu out of the game .
The fights work intuitively, with a button for each type of attack. The moves are worked with a magical special glove that allows combinations of fire and ice, wind and thunder and everything else in between. The downside is that to make changes to the magic is necessary to change gloves in the Sanctuary , which breaks the rhythm of the battle.

The battles are simple and rarely cause inconvenience to players because there's no magic bar of vitality . To recover life just stand still for a while. This ease the struggles of extra confidence for the players and discourages the use of items like healing potions.

The player wins followers as they acquire new powers . You can use use these points " followers " to buy expressions , improve skills such as swords , magic and ranged weapons . A welcome change and it fits perfectly with the fabric of the game.

Some key figures only go to the list of subordinates if the Prince promise to do certain things, like ending the slave and child labor , investing in improvements to nearby cities or even protect an allied kingdom . These promises are extremely important and will be charged when the right time comes - and they come at a gallop.
King idolized emperor tyrant

When all the followers are found , the game part to the second part title - to become king. This is half the adventure and the player passes the burden of leading a nation full of contrasts and still defend Albion a great danger .
In this part the player is free to do what you want , complete missions that left behind and interact with other citizens . But the main problem is to prepare the kingdom for such a face of great danger, for it will be necessary to take difficult decisions or even break promises. This influences how the people treat the new sovereign .

Decisions as to create a school or rebuild a portion of the cost to the city coffers - and usually there is enough money to meet the needs and desires of the people. The problem at this point is that most decisions are : do this or that. Using the example of the school , the dilemma is " sending children to work in factories or create a school of art" . There is no middle term, which ends up making the choices even more difficult - but who said being a monarch was an easy task?