With a huge world, more depth and some new interesting ideas. Fable III is a great game anyone should play and own.

User Rating: 8 | Fable III X360
I'll start off by saying I don't think Fable III was given a fair review. So I will make an attempt to be as factual and to the point as possible and leave as much of my own opinion out of it.

Fable III has you wake up as a Prince/Princess where you start your day. You hear about how your nasty brother Logan has done something horrible and has people upset. You spend the morning getting in touch with controls and tutorial type stuff (if you've played other Fable games they are very similar in almost all ways) You then meet up with your lover Elise/Elliot depending on your gender.
After a while you get into a scrap with your brother when you decide to intervene him from killing innocent towns people who are displaying their griefs with him. You then have the first choice of the game, either kill your lover or save the towns people. The game goes on and your story begins. I've played the game throughly, dipping all my fingers in as many pies (which you can make as a job now!).

The graphics are incredibly beautiful and the world is large and rich and much more expansive than the last two fables where you kind of felt destined to return to the one path and only one path. Again this world is huge and there is much exploration to be done and no little map to help guide your path. This can be good or bad dependin on personal taste. However the use of the sanctuary map makes it much easier to navigate anywhere in the world so getting lost isn't an issue ever since you can simply pop right to the sanctuary and look at your map there.

The touch system is implimented greatly into the game and you can get a great feel for the people when you hold your wife's hand to a romantic spot to kiss or whether you drag some cretin off the street to be butchered or whatever else you decide. And you really feel for the people you interact with. You don't simply impress people now, they ask things of you and in return give their friendship, love, support and maybe even some gifts. This is one way to gain xp as well inside the game.

There are no menus in the game, (save for the save game menu and such) You gain a sanctuary instantly where everything is stored, and recorded in four very easily organised rooms. Stores display items now bought and so and and so forth.

The combat system is the same as it has been since the original Fable. It really hasn't changed much which can be a good or bad thing depending on personal taste.

The story is a vast change from the simple hero who did good or bad deeds to stopping an evil man to now stopping an evil tyrant and replacing the throne yourself. People won't follow you easily but your a hero and only heroes are destined for great things.

There are many more things in Fable III i haven't even touched on but I can fully recommend this game to anyone who has enjoyed the series thus far and anyone interested in what the game has to offer. I don't feel that the review here is fully fair and they don't really look the entire game.

Overall I give this game an 8/10 for a couple of bugs i've seen, to short of a story, and the lack of weapon diversity (you only get hammers and swords, pistols and rifles.) and clothing diversity.

This game is well worth your time and money, replay value is always a plus and its a gigantic world with a lot to do, see and explore and has improved on many things.

Bottom line if enjoy the Fable series this game is something you should add to it. New players however? Try Fable 1 and 2 before 3.