Codemasters will not release 2nd patch because too busy making 2011. They do not deserve our money...

User Rating: 5.5 | F1 2010 PC
Let me start by saying that I am a HUGE F1 fan. I have owned many F1 games before including the EXCELLENT Grand Prix 4. I have been craving a good F1 game for years so when I heard that codemasters announced the title I was very excited.

I then bought a copy and I was left very very disappointed. I spend hours playing this game, in the beginning it was great. The visuals are awesome, the car designs, sounds and level are breathtaking.

Later you start realizing that this game is nothing more than a series of annoying bugs. Here is a run down of just a few:
-while pitting sometimes the lollypop man keeps you in the pits for a long time (sometimes up to even 30sec)
-I've played the game on the "professional" difficulty driving Force India, and I can still finish first on most races while on others it is extremely hard (There is not a linear balance of difficulty in the game)
-Loading times are terribly long
-Pit crew and radio engineer are completely stupid - on every race the guy on the radio told me that one of the 'ferarri' is going into pits and I was the one driving the ferrari!
-Sometimes they change my tires from soft to soft again even though I need to change to hard!

These are just some of the many bugs I have encountered. The game is just a pure annoyance and I am giving up on it. You have to be really patient to even finish 1 season.

The problem is that Codemasters released a 1st patch that fixed A FEW of the issues however many issues were left unfixed. I emailed them and they told me they will NOT be releasing another patch at this time. They are probably too busy making F1 2011 so who cares about the suckers who bought F1 2010 right? WRONG! because I Will not buy the 2011 now that I know the way I was treated...