Just doesn't hold up against this falls strong lineup...

User Rating: 6.5 | F.E.A.R. Files X360
I remember playing the original FEAR on the PC when it came out and I loved it so I was looking forward to this value pack for FEAR. Sadly it does not deliver. The campaigns feel weak and the levels seem so poorly done. However, if you are looking for a a quick scare, then this game may do the trick for you....if you haven't played any fear before that is. I felt that I was expecting every scare within these campaigns which ruined all the fun.

If you do like the bits of action in the campaign, then you will enjoy the instant action maps they have for you to play. They are basically timed maps where you need to kill an endless wave of people and clear to a specific point in the map. However, there is little to no replay value in this IMO. Now if your looking for some MP, I would say this is a very fun game to play online. Problem is NO ONE plays this game online. You will get lucky to find a ranked or player match at any time of the day with all these mega hit MP games out like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4.

In the long run I wouldn't bother buying this game. It is however worth a rent for a quick scare.