The game that could have been great!

User Rating: 8 | F.E.A.R. 3 PC
Lets start with the bad. Very linear, when in the Merc, you cannot shoot the rockets on PC version. I checked all of the weapon buttons on the keyboard and nada, zip, zilch. I enjoyed finding the power ups and slow motion injectors in previous games instead of just being added on each level. Also, what happened to those thing that used to cause me to jump out of my seat??? All gone! Now lets talk about the good. Graphics=good but could be better, weapons=good but would like to see the ability to upgrade. Game didn't drag on! WB sure left the door open to FEAR 4....would i buy it? Of course I would and so will others that have played FEAR 3. Some other screwey things were getting points for actions, but what were they good for? That is something that WB dropped the ball on and needs to be addressed in future games.