Sequel to the unique and innovative Exit, Exit 2 is definitely more of an expansion pack to the series.

User Rating: 8 | Kangaeru Exit PSP
To those who have enjoyed Exit, an expansion pack seemed a lot more appropriate than a sequel that featured the same storyless man with the same mechanics. To its credit, Exit 2 DOES have a few extras, albeit minor. Art-a-holics definitely have new things to feast their eyes on, mainly Mr. ESC's new, flowing coat. And a different coloring scheme. And that's basically that.

Well, to be honest, Exit 2 doesn't pack much new content, except a lot of different levels. At that note, it's probably better to be called Exit: The Expansion rather than a suggestive Exit 2.

Basically, that's it. Graphics and music barely made impact, because it's the same, verily. There are no noticeable enhancements, levels play the same (find the victims, find a way to rescue them and then exit.) Of course, the tutorial is a very welcome mode, so newcomers will know what to do and will hopefully stop falling off high ledges or leaving victims behind.

The game is more appropriate for those who have been longing a couple more levels to enhance their Exiting experience, and also to those who have yet to don the black garb of Mr. ESC.

But, in fairness, that new flowing black cloak that Mr. ESC wears has some pretty cool animations...