Evolve... or die.

User Rating: 10 | Evolve XONE

The game rocks. The complaints about the DLC structure are valid, but that doesn't take away from the plethora of game-play possibilities, the level of technical polish, the innovative nature of it's asymmetrical multiplayer and solo contests, or it's genuine challenge and fun factor.

I would suggest to anyone considering adding Evolve to their collection to take a long hard look at the landscape of video gaming, and recognize that with it's corporate oriented, bottom-line disposition towards risky endeavors, that as the years go on, this game will be remembered for breaking away from the standard shooter/co-op/multiplayer paradigm prominent in less financially risky productions like C.O.D, Battlefield, etc.

Give the game a chance. Block out the white noise of jaded gamers who weren't around during gaming's golden age when Nintendo, and Sega were pricing games ranging from $50.00 to over $110.00, depending on the level of technology and expenditure involved in it's production. When companies are stuck in a market of arbitrary $60.00 charges for games, the one's that are spending more and taking more risks are going to need to recoup their costs or cut corners with game-play quality.

I think Evolve is fantastic, challenging, and a joyful way to engage other gamers in a way that other games rarely try.