
User Rating: 7.5 | Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick PS2
I'm a little suprised at the reviews of this game...I thought it was a lot of mindless fun.

You start out with nothing but a chainsaw (and I don't even have to tell you how much fun it is to chop up people with a chainsaw)...Throughout the game you have to solve simple puzzles, kill tons of zombies and gain new and rather entertaining weapons. I think one of the best parts of this game have to be the voiceovers for Bruce...Just a riot.

Now that all being said, the graphics leave something to be desired, but they're not too bad, the gameplay is very easy and you'll be able to work your way through all the levels in a matter of hours, but it's still a fun game to pop in for a few hours of full out chainsaw massacre.