Great game if you like exploits and idiot GM's.

User Rating: 2.5 | EVE Online PC
I played this game for over a year. During that time, I enjoyed the game... Mostly... Everything I didnt enjoy about the game can be attributed to the Dev's or the GM's. Both of which are complete idiots and dont bother to do their jobs. For example, you can quite easily exploit the mechanics of the game with no repercussions. All it takes is a couple people, and then poof, instant success. From trade, to combat, this game is near fully exploitable. Dont like the fact that someone's in a safe system? Well, there's an exploit for that too. Feel like trying to con someone out of a few hundred million credits? Guess what, you can! Feel like hacking someone's account and disbanding a huge corporation and re-writing the entire state of the galaxy and changing the entire face of the game?!!?! You can do that too!

All in all, the game would be great if the Dev team and the GM's werent so incompetent.

Alas, a near perfect space MMO ruined by the people selected to run the thing.

The skill tree was excellent, the galaxy layout was incredible, the graphics were nice, the combat was fun, the research and production actually useful... So many good elements in one game.. But ruined by the easiest one to correct...