While an interesting and fun RPG, Eternal Sonata falls short in some aspects that prevent it from shining.

User Rating: 8 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
This is a very beautiful JRPG game that truly shines in some aspects and falls short in others.

Starting with the pros, the art direction in this game is very aesthetically pleasing, vibrant and colourful. Every single area is nice to look at, and while the fixed camera is limiting in the gameplay sense, it captures the broader environments nicely in some maps. The sound, as expected, is polished and consistent, you'll love it if you're a fan of classical. Most of the characters are well done, with a few exceptions (I found beat and Polka to be a bit annoying), and the english voice overs are acceptable. Furthermore, the RPG elements and battle system shine in this game.

However, the story is quite complex, and hard to follow at times (and the 20 hour span of the game doesn't help). It tangents off towards the end of the game, and the conclusion is likely to leave players with a sense of "...what?". The story is very linear, cutscenes are plentiful, however the game doesn't resolve most of the subplots which is a shame.

Overall, this game would be recommendable to fans of JRPGs. It's entertaining and thought provoking, albeit preachy and short.