Highly amusing themes, with amazing game play, and an escalating battle system. Highly recommended.

User Rating: 9.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
This game, though I am not yet done, is easily one of the best I've gotten my hands on lately. I have been very disappointed with many anime-esque RPG's of late, but Eternal Sonata for the PS3 has yet to disappoint. The game is ostensibly based upon the classical composer Frederic Francois Chopin, who is also one of the characters. Throughout the game it gives you interesting history lessons related to Chopin and his life, and many of his songs are in the game as part of cutscenes and story elements. It is a great way to bring Classical music to today's generations. On top of this, the multiplayer function is phenomenal. Being able to play RPG's with my friends is one of the things I enjoy the most, and this brings it in a way I've never seen before. Up to three players at a time, techniques vary depending upon whether you are standing in light or shadow. I think the most entertaining part is quite possibly the photography system used to make money. Depending up on the quality of the photograph taken in battle, a player can get money for 12 photographs at a time, which develop over time.