the control really killed it.

User Rating: 7.8 | Escape from Monkey Island PC
the monkey island games have always been good. now we come to the forth game. while the story is good the control really killed it. the story takes place three mouths after the end of three. guybrush is returning to a island with his now wife elaine. when they get there they leran that elain has been declaied dead so they are getting a new govener. the story is much like other mokey island games. the control however is really bad. the game is no longer point and clik it now uses the keyborad. moving around is really hard to do with this new kind of control. the puzzles are not that good for you have to deal with the control. the graphics are really good. all the caracters are in 3d. some of them are ugly but others are nices. this game is not that long you can beat it in about 25 hours. overall this game is for any adventure game fan.