Don't even waste your money renting this one.

User Rating: 2 | Eragon XBOX
Eragon is based on the movie which is based on the book. And if you thought the movie didn't follow the book, well the game outdoes itself when it follows neither path, it just kind of wanders around having you kill baddies of different sorts. This game was horrible. The only reason I even spent an hour playing it was because my brother and I were laughing too hard to reach the eject button. Okay so I'll start with games good points (if there are any :P)the good points about this game are that it has some good graphics and every now and then the scenery looks pretty good but that's all the good stuff I can think of (unless you count laughing uncontrollably as an exercise). Now on the BAD which is most everything else in my opinion. The camera angles stink. Period, half the time I was playing my character was either off screen or I couldn't find myself on the screen because of the static camera. I think the entire game took me an hour to beat. I don't think even hard core fans would appreciate this lousy excuse for a game.