Not the best, but a good game none the less.

User Rating: 6.5 | Eragon PS2
The game really isn't as bad as the reviewers say it is, but it definitely is not the best game out there. The game is much better on co-op and playing it alone just really isn't that fun. The game is way to short which is a down side but the actual fighting is pretty good. The game is fun at first but gets more boring the more you play it. All in all, I feel like i've played the game before in pretty much every lord of the rings game, so if you are saving up to buy a game, don't bother with this one. One thing in the game that I haven't felt like I've seen before is Eragon's magic powers which adds a nice touch to the game. Another pro for the game would be that it has relativily good graphics and sound but you should never really base your opinion on a game by the graphics but even so, i'm just throwing it out there.