Sums up why games shouldnt be made of stuff left out of movies...

User Rating: 6.1 | Enter the Matrix PS2
I like the matrix, so when i found out there'd be a game i was thrilled, unfortunatly it fails to deliver. Graphically its averag at best. Of course it has good cut scenes (from movies) but in game its poor. The game has a steady frame rate and some effects like the slo mo bullets are good. But levels are poorly detailed for a game thats spent so long in development. Characters are no better, from a distance ok and up close not very good. Its a shame as this game looks so rushed together, the burden so many movie games suffer. a blocky 6/10

The game sounds good, good voice acting, much of it from the films of course and the music is good too. However its noting amazing or inspiring as FF music is. And when you say sound is a games best feature by know its not a great game... an 8/10

Gameplay is hit and miss. Its not too bad but then again its far far far too easy. You can heal your health, and as the enemys dont chase you down (unless its an agent) you can easily regain your health. Guns make the ame even easier and the driving sequences, whether your the driver or riding shot gun aren't good. Gamplay is a mess. In places its almost fun, but in others its so easy its ridiculous. A shacky 6/10 bordering on a 5.

In fact the fact it plays poorly is a real shame becaus th game has so much potential, considering its from the matrix trilogy.

Value, well it doesnt have much im afraid. Play through it as one character and whether or not u play through as the other is a test of your patince, do you want to play the same game again? I give its value a 5, and thats being generous.

So to the tilt and its only a 6. Its a 6 as it is a matrix game all be it a dissapointing one but it can be fun at times. Its xtras on the movie are interesting (if your a fan) but not essential and your really missing nothing if you dont have the game.

reccomndable? only to matrix fans who can stomach a very average game. The game scores a 6.1 saved by its sound!!?