I just finished the game and... ohmygod. Just... Oh. My. Gosh. This is an incredible game.

User Rating: 10 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
Okay, first of all?
THE GRAPHICS AOSDJFP these graphics are so, so, SO beauteous! Just... the environment is laid out really well and there's so much attention to detail, the setting is very steampunk-y and they just put a lot of effort into making the place look good! And it did! It looked GREAT! I swear I spent at least five minutes running around and just looking at all the scenery in each area I came upon. Especially Trip's village? That was gorgeous, and the layout was so innovative! The way they used all those bridges... I love how they incorporated puzzles into the environment like that!
The plot was also really great. It kept me hanging on every word, seriously. I loved how it started, and the ending just made me want more.
Also, the characters. Each one is so unique and different, it totally made my life. Monkey's the brute- he's really tough, really stubborn, he's a leader. And Trip is the opposite- she's pretty unused to fighting but she's NOT dead weight; that girl can hold her own against mechs. The way Trip and Monkey work together really really impressed me, and the thing that just totally blew me away was the subtle chemistry between them! Not because there was chemistry between them, but because it was never directly referred to, ever. Monkey and Trip just had this way of treating each other near the ending that made it pretty obvious that they were in love and it's cute. It's not sickening or anything, it's really cute. Because they don't shove it in your face.
Pigsy was also a fun character. He was really different from the other two, unafraid to voice his more... ahem, inappropriate thoughts and all. And he's so comical, the way he thinks he's got some sort of charm when really he's just a slob and a womanizer. It sounds weird, but I think I kind of liked him. (SPOILER) I was really devastated when he died ;n;
This game, the whole thing, was really engrossing. I'm so glad I stumbled upon it and I think it could have been incredibly popular if Namco had just advertised for it more. I've never even heard of Enslaved, and I feel like it could be a hit, like Dead Space and Mass Effect and etc. if it was publicized more.
Honestly, the only thing that kind of annoyed me was the spazzy camera angle, and that was really easy to get the hang of. After I played the game for a few hours, I was able to overcome it. And I did everything I could to pace myself with it because it was so awesome that I didn't want it to end.
But it did.
And I'm so depressed now.
All I can say is, the ending was VERY open and they HAVE to make a sequel. They have to. They can't just leave us hanging.
Overall, Enslaved was awesome. I highly, highly recommend it to anyone out there that loves a great plot and dynamic characters.