This is how the world will look after the war. The buildings still stand, but they are in a state of ruin. Walls, ceilin

User Rating: 10 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
This is how the world will look after the war. The buildings still stand, but they are in a state of ruin. Walls, ceilings, and floors have crumbled away, and the healthy foliage that covers every surface gives the appearance of a thriving ecosystem, though no humans are around to enjoy this taste of nature. Pools of water mixed with toxic chemicals provide a deadly oasis that can be admired by sight but not touch. Mechs travel in small groups, attacking anything that moves, and the turrets that perch on higher ground shred anyone unfortunate enough to wander into their path. In this bleak tableau, two escaped slaves named Monkey and Trip must travel through this decrepit wasteland to find a hidden village that offers the only glimmer of hope. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a memorable adventure that uses a strong sense of place and excellently crafted characters to lure you into its postapocalyptic world. You have to put up with rigid platforming, slow-starting combat, and a camera that zooms in too close to the action, but these problems are just small pieces of a big picture. What Enslaved lacks in refinement, it more than makes up for in beauty, heart, and thrills.