Brilliant game-play and story is let down by the length of it.

User Rating: 7 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West PS3
The first thing to say about Enslaved is that it takes a lot of inspiration from Prince of Persia. The platforming sections are very nostalgic and take you back to a day where it wasn't all about shooting and multiplayer. The combat is easy to grasp and follows an old formula of heavy attacks, light attacks, dodging, blocking and a couple of unique moves. The use of weaknesses in the enemies to perform "take-downs" is nothing new either, but it makes the combat tactical, rather than just being a button masher.

However, it is not the combat that makes Enslaved great. What makes it a game above others is it's story. The realism of the relationship between Monkey, the hero, and Trip, the captor, is outstanding. Given the background of post-war future in which most of humanity has been wiped out by Mechs, the story seems to be made for a movie rather than a game. You feel for the characters, through the up's and down's this game will have you wanting more. Combine that with some gorgeous scenery, outstanding voice acting and great character creation, and you have a work of art.

The only problem is once it is over it leaves you wanting more. The story ends perfectly (I won't spoil it for anyone wishing to play), but you are left with the feeling that more could have been done along the way. It feels rather hollow and bitty with the use of chapters rather than smooth continuous play. The addition of the DLC Pigsy's Perfect 10, just didn't make up for that in the slightest. The story took its time in the beginning, but once you leave New York, it feels rushed, like they wanted the end to come quicker that it should have.

Overall I would recommend this game to anyone looking for a great story with fun game-play, but don't spend more than £10 on it, otherwise it just isn't worth it for the length of the game.