Good game

User Rating: 8 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
I purchased the game for $5 and expected to play it for an hour, lose interest but tell myself I WILL get back to it one day and never touch it again.

So far so good though.

No, this is not a $60 game but it is worth $30 or maybe $45 if DLC was something more substantial.

The story is strong, well told and deep. The characters do fall into cliches but not the ones that you would expect from the cover. Tripp, the female lead is not the self-assured confident co-adventurer... (she is a coward, and she is absolutely terrified). They have vulnerability and intelligence and I find myself caring where their journey takes them, which is so often not the case in games I find on the clearance rack.

Enslaved is repetitive and the combat is simplistic, and my wife asked me "haven't you played this before?". I'm not sure if she's thinking of Uncharted 2 or Jak and Daxter but the palette and jumping mechanics are clearly similar.

Platforming games tend to be generic insert-generic-hero fare, but Enslaved goes out of it's way to give players a story with characters.