Amazing story and ending. Excellent emotions and character relationships. Fun combat. Gorgeous game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
This is one of those games that you will remember for a long time after you play it. Everything from the gameplay, graphics, character, story, etc, YOU WILL REMEMBER. (ok, maybe not everyone, but I will remember for sure though.) You will be controlling Monkey who mainly helps out Trip throughout their amazing journey.

There are light and heavy attacks, you can use to make your combos with monkey's staff. However, you need to strategically use a stagger attack and a stun attack in different situations to be able to get through the tougher battles in the game. There are a lot of jumping around and getting through obstacles. There isn't too much control of where you can choose to jump, but I enjoyed watching and controlling Monkey making his way around the environment. There are also a number of parts of the game where you have to get behind cover and take out mechs using your staff which can shoot plasma shots, which is fun also. Another big part of the game is helping trip and yourself get past obstacles with levers and platforms.

The story is amazing. However, I do not want to get too deep into it because I do not want to spoil anything. I will however say that the interactions between the characters and their relationships are very interesting and realistic through watching the cut scenes and from what they say during normal travel/battle.

The graphics are beautiful. There are detailed environments, accurate emotions from characters' facial features, etc.

Overall, this is one of the best action games I have ever played. It has the most excellent story for an action game. Usually only found in good RPGS. This is a must get! You just have to try it, and play to the end! The ending is so great!

Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed my review please add me and track me. I will write more.