A strong story and satisfying gameplay make Enslaved a solid, fun game to play.

User Rating: 8 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
This Bandai Namco offering excels at storytelling. Enslaved is just one of those games that get your attention and is fun to play. While there is a lot of platforming and combat, the game play does vary with puzzle solving, chase scenes and boss fights. Some of the scenery in the game is so lush and beautiful. Actually, most of the game is just plain nice looking. You follow characters, Trip, Monkey and eventually Pigsly in what seems like a futuristic/post-apocalyptic New York City and surrounding area. Although, strange, odd and unique, the characters are believable. You find yourself becoming invested in their lives, especially the lives of Tripp and Monkey. You follow Tripp and Monkey through a variety of beautiful and industrial type locations. The combat is smooth and satisfying and the game offers some variety when it comes to game play. If I have any gripe, it is the touchy controls. Sometimes you roll when you want to jump, and jump when you want to run. You get the picture. It really doesn't all out ruin the game play, though it does get a little frustrating at times. This game is just a solid, fun game with a lot of heart. Even the downloadable content which focuses on Pigsly is fun. Goofy and unrefined, but fun. The game ends somewhat abruptly having Tripp making a choice we all would question. Did she or didn't she choose the right thing? Here is hoping there is a second Enslaved game and not just more DLC. A strong story and satisfying gameplay make Enslaved a solid, fun game to play.