An easy rpg game that is unenjoyable.

User Rating: 3.5 | Enchant Arm PS3
One of the worst games i have played to date on the ps3. The graphics are early ps2, the characters are bland (even though they tired to make it like the main cahracter was a take off from Final Fantasy series), dancing was not needed and investagations were not fun.
This game did have a different battle system in which there were two blocks of squares that u could only move on your squares and fight with your 4 characters. The other problem was after you defeated golems ( the bad guys) you can use them in your team, but after the game gives you the main four characters there is no point to even use golems. The boss battles were fun but you could find one space were the boss couldnt hit you and just spam attack and you won.
The worst part is the storyline which is uninteresting and moving from one area to another seems like you walk for two minutes and you are at the next area.
In summary rent this game if you have some spare time. I sold mine after i finished it and there was no replay value.