rushed game with cliche characters and an uncreative storyline.

User Rating: 3 | Enchant Arm PS3
characters are your typical tidus, auron, riku and yuna but with watered down personalities, they repeat themselves ("Im going to save toya!") over and over, and over again. Most of the dialogue is off-topic, pointless bickering and meaningless banter. The storyline is mostly filler. The "villain" doesn't spark any anger or emotion in me, to me an RPG is only as good as it's villain, but thats my opinion. in fact the casino should have been the final boss because it made me so angry!
Ahh the casino. . . ehermm. . . who wants to play bingo or roulette in a fantasy game? I can do that in real life. On top of the casino's uncreative blandness it requires you to grind that awful thing, which isn't fun it is work. games are supposed to be fun.
I spent 4 good hours reseting my ps3 over and over to get enough TB at the casino to afford the golems that I won't even be using -_-
Once you get the 4 main story characters it's pretty much pointless to even use golems. Also, you can't remove Atsuma from the main party so making original and unique golem teams is out of the question.
Golem battles should have been golems only so that it requires the character to create unique combinations of golems and actually think to win.
By the way, thinking is not something I needed to do at all from playing start to finish, the game holds you by the hand the entire step of the way. (press "X" to push this button! press "X" to climb this ladder!)
There was no armor, and characters looked the same from start to finish, the weapons being an exception, and actually looked pretty nice. Mobs would only drop a total of 3 types of items in the form of gems.
The graphics scream PS2. Next-gen . . . pfft. . .
This game would be very suitable for a young player's first RPG (like 13 and below) because of the PG-13 content and the very simple learning curve. But for veteran RPG gamers I do not recommend this unless you really need an RPG fix ;) For veteran RPG gamers check out folklore, eternal sonata and valkyria profiles. *crossing fingers for better PS3 RPGs*