A great storyline that has a few curveballs up its sleeve, and a fantastic and hilarious ending.

User Rating: 8.5 | Enchanted Arms X360
Enchanted Arms is a grid-style turn-based japanese RPG that is pretty good. The story opens up with a pretty good tutorial, just as if it were part of the story. As you go through Enchanted Arms, you begin to get attached to the players. Some people had a rough time with the voice acting but honestly it wasn't that bad, in fact it was usually good for a laugh. The graphics in Enchanted Arms are pretty good, although I found some places to be lacking a bit. One thing I liked very much about Enchanted Arms is that it gives you multiple things to collect and to work towards, while giving you clear percentages to how much of it all you have gotten/beaten. There are a number of side quests that you can complete if you wish to do so prior to beating the game, but aren't required to beat the story part of the game. All of the golems you collect are very unique and different from each other, making them easier to remember. The game also allows for you to increase your characters and golems stats how ever you may wish, and allows for upgrading weapons. All in all the game is really great, and it is not too hard of a game either. If you start it you have to finish it and get the happy ending, because, well, it is just down right hilarious. I recommend this game to any JRPG fan and to RPG fans who would like to try something new.