Traditional RPG with a Nontraditional Gameplay! Are You a true RPGer? Then Check this out!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Enchant Arm PS3
Hay Everybody, I'm "lucablight84" and I've been playing RPG's for a long time now! I try to appreciate all the games I play from every aspect, Even if they're not famous or glorious and even if I hate them, I try my best to be objective, I hope that you'll find this review informative and pleasing.
BTW: THIS IS MY FIRST REVIEW SO WHOEVER IS READING THIS, DON'T BE AN A**!! Now, I'm pretty sure, You've heard this before, but for the sake of writing a decent review, I'll mention the history about From Software...
From Software is a Japanese software company founded in November 1986 that develops games for Sony's PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, Nintendo's DS, Wii and GameCube, Microsoft's Xbox and Xbox 360, Sega's Dreamcast, and mobile phones. The Armored Core series is From Software's largest franchise. Thirteen titles have been developed for the PS, PS2, PSP, PS3, and Xbox 360. The recent thirteenth Armored Core title, Armored Core For Answer or Armored Core 4A was released on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in Japan on 2008-03-19.
From Software is well known for the "Otogi" and "Tenchu" series and has strong ties to Sega, which distributes many of their titles overseas.
Okay, enough with the history lesson! As Cloud Strife would say and I quote "Let's Mossy"! Enchanted Arms is an underrated JRPG that simply played by the rules of the genre but failed to sell! Why? Well, look at the mirror!! That's right it's OUR fault! We have become lazy RPGers, If it's not Final Fantasy or Another "Tales of..." game we don't give it a shot! If it's not scored 8.5 or Higher, we run for the hills!! Wake up people! I'm not saying that the game is flawless, of course not! It has its share of shortcomings but the positives are MAJOR!! This game has a lot of potential and it brings a whole new aspect to RPG's! Well, nothing THAT new to POKEMON players, but I'm sure you'll find this one refreshing with better graphics! Let's talk about the story here, It was just another day in Enchant Academy, Professor Kou is giving a lecture about the world's history and Enchantment, among the students was a young man with platinum-white hair and a red uniform sleeping during the lecture, behind him another young man with black hair and a blue uniform, beside them sat yet another young man with blond hair and a yellow (FASHIONABLE! Ahem...) uniform...sorta!
these are Atsuma, Toya and Makoto, respectively. Toya and Makoto giggled as they were trying to wake Atsuma up, but only a strike from the professor's staff on his desk did the trick! As Punishment the Prof made a guinea pig out of Atsuma in front of the whole class by battling him against a Golem (That's where you'll be introduced to your 1st battle). Atsuma battled bravely and defeated his opponents, after that, class was dismissed and the Trio went to the Cafeteria, It seems that Toya is the most popular guy in the academy, he is loved and respected by all of the students as they often display these affections to him frequently. Atsuma on the other hand is quite despised by them all...Apparently, his right Arm is bizarre, it interacts with Ether, Golems and various objects and make them dysfunctional or crazy! It is also said that if a student is touched by it he/she will never enchant again...Or so they say... At the Cafeteria the group decided to skip class and attend the festival held at Yokohama City, after much debate over whether they should go or not, they decided to go eventually. Here you'll get to see the Majestic city, explore the streets, interact with people and get your first Golem! It seems that beside people and machinery, Golems were also lived among the crowds as servants for various tasks and functions, they have been serving humanity for a long time. Atsuma decided to enlist in the Golem fighting tournament, during which, he met with Yuki, a weird-dressed Golem hunter who claims that she is the No.1 Golem hunter in the world, Atsuma and Yuki fought with the former as the victor. Suddenly the earth started to shake knocking the lights of the stadium down, the crowd started to panic and scream, Atsuma, Yuki, Toya and Makoto went outside to find the City in chaos, Golems went out of control and started attacking people, Yuki went on her own, the gang started to defend and rescue the people, to make things more awkward, snow started falling out of nowhere. The group made their way back to the Academy to find it in shambles, they searched around for a bit to find a door once sealed shut by enchantment to be wide open, the trio ventured inside to find what seemed like a Golem temple that goes all the way underground, as they descended, the atmosphere became even cooler, they reached a bottom corridor which leads to a huge frozen gate, suddenly Atsuma's right arm started to emit a resonance like that of a Golem and started talking with Atsuma, ordering him to move forward, Atsuma screamed in agony and pain, he calmed down after the voice stopped, Toya was very curious as to why all of this is happening; the group opened the gate to find a large icy hall, in the middle, the figure of a pale female was sitting on a frozen throne, Toya recognized her as a Golem, Atsuma's Arm started to resonate heavily again and he found himself being pulled towards the icy female, despite Toya's efforts, the arm touched her, a blast of power occurred and the gang found themselves standing against the Ice queen herself, she immediately attacked the group viciously, Makoto threw Atsuma out of the way while Toya faced the queen bravely, he managed to sever her arm with his lance, but she recovered it with no effort, she told them that she is a DEVIL GOLEM, a race of Golems that were once treated like Gods one thousand years ago, due to the corruption caused by the DEVIL GOLEMS, they were defeated and sealed away in different places over the world, the Ice Queen focused her attention at the weakened Atsuma and sent daggers of Ice towards him, Toya jumped to protect him and got impaled instead, Atsuma grieved for his best friend, the Queen pushed him aside and tried to take Toya, Makoto tried to stop her but she crushed him using ice rubble... When all hope was lost Atsuma's grief awoken a power hidden inside him and he turned into a strange creature and attacked the Queen ferociously and he was able to weaken her but ultimately, his new power wore off, the queen took this opportunity to flee the scene quickly, taking Toya along with her, she then lunched an attack on Yokohama destroying the whole city and killing a lot of people in the process...What will happen to Atsuma? Will he be able to rescue his best friend and save the world from destruction? well, you have to play to find out!
I know that was kinda LOOOOONG!! But I thought it's the best way to put you in the mood! If I made a Video Game Demo, this would be it! This is a very good introduction to the game and what's more interesting that things really get different as you move on and you meet different characters than the ones you hung out with at first, the characters really are what bring the story to life in any RPG, and this is the case here! the dialogue is actually funny and very interesting, the story also has it's own charms but what really annoys me is that it's kind of obvious, the bad guys could have more of a reason to be bad, instead they come out as very generic and stale, except our beloved Queen of Ice, which is a very interesting character, in my opinion. I like a story that focuses on every character one at a time, each member of your party will have his/her fifteen minutes of fame, nothing too fancy or shocking, but it still does the trick. You'll move around the world, meet new people along the way, good and bad, and you'll have your sudden encounters with the Queen from time to time! It's not a very intriguing tale to behold but it kinda grows on you after a few hours, it's like those movies that you don't necessarily like, but you can't stop watching till the end, after that big introduction, you'll be eager to know what happens next! I found myself really in love with the characters, sometimes they are annoying as hell, but half way through the game they'll open up to you and you'll appreciate them more, for instance, even if you hated Yuki at first, you'll discover the reasons behind the way she acts and you'll feel sorry for her, maybe even respect! That girl LOVES a good fight! The most interesting aspect in the story (A 1st in localized JRPG!) is homosexuality! It's never a big part of the story and the word is never mentioned, also there aren't any sexual or homosexual scenes in the game (Thank God!) so it's not GAY of you to play the game, but the concept is there. It's not a first in Japanese RPGs to include homosexuality, as you may have heard or red before, for example, in WILD ARMS 2, the character Cinna of the Odessa Organization is a male in the Japanese version and it is said that he was in love with Vinsfield, that was edited in the NA version and Cinna was made into a female to overshadow the truth, in Persona 2 Innocent Sin, the character Jun was in love with Tatsuya the main character and the game never made it outside Japan, and in Drakengard, the character Leonard was a pedophile who probably liked Seer to indulge his twisted fantasies, they edited that part entirely with a lot of other adult contents that was present in the game! See, it was there all the time but to bring that kind of subject on the RPG table completely localized is mature, even if you are not pleased with it or even disgusted by the idea, it's only present lightly and never focused upon. A main disappointment in the story was the negligence of Golems in the story, I'm talking about the minor Golems, of course, Devil Golems have the majority of screen time but the others are left aside, I mean you get to obtain 130 Golems if you complete everything but you rarely see any mentioning or interactions between the characters and the Golems and the story doesn't motivate you to obtain them at all (If Yuki wants to be the No.1 Golem hunter in the world, that's HER problem!!) The Beasts are just there, and you have to catch them!!...Okaaaay...I guess... The other main disappointment is the presentation, most scenes and dialogue are done by placing 3D models of the characters against each other and you get to press the X button to move the dialogue forward which is placed under the models, they don't even move properly! One minute Atsuma is standing normally, you press X, then he changes his stance instantly with no motion whatsoever, it's like watching a slide show! It worked before in Persona 2, Wild Arms 4 and Tales of Legendia, those were on PS1 and PS2...THIS IS PS3!!! I mean WHY?? There ARE scenes with full animations and even two CG movies, which are super cool but most of them are short and far in between, they added ten minutes of these scenes in the PS3 version which is a very good thing...But not nearly enough! You'll get used to it eventually; it just takes time that's all. So the story is nice and fun to watch, the characters are lively, funny and intriguing, some scenes are really great, it has a few cliche's but it's still decent to spend 50 or so hours watching the whole plot unfold, I say you give it a try and see what comes out OK? Next are the Graphics, like I said before, there are a few scenes with full animations but most of the time, you'll only get to see the ugly 3D models, that is a let down because it's a PS3 game, the next generation console, the other scenes are very well executed, which makes you hungry for more and I'm sure that if it weren't for the ridiculous slide shows, the game would easily rival the other big boys in the business. Outside of the scenes, the world and cities around you look gorgeous! Remember those old games on PS1? Most of them had at least one CG intro right? Like ummmm...Resident Evil 2 opening? Remember that? Well, the graphics in this game look like that, but even more clear and sharp! It's a good thing if you think about it! Also, if you played Soul Caliber 3 and tried the character creation mode there, you'll laugh hard when you see some of the minor characters or the Non-Playable towns people (NPC), they look just like that! When you talk to the NPC's, their 3D Models will fill the screen and you'll see an annoying resemblance between them, it's like the developers took one model, copied it, and dressed each copy differently! You can ignore that and go on but it's still lazy and kinda annoying. If you played Final Fantasy X, you'll feel right at home with how the world is made; to walk from one point to the other, you'll walk through a linear path which appear vast and huge at first but you only get to walk on one path, in dungeons it's kinda different, they sometimes can be huge but unfortunately, they are so empty it will frustrate you a bit, I know it sounds nasty but it really isn't, most of them look wonderful and colorful, so you'll probably won't mind. The main character models look nice and adaptable, a bit odd though (Cross Dressing is involved), Atsuma will keep on wearing his red academy uniform with a purple tie and red gloves, he looks OK! Karin wears a...well, it's kinda hard to describe! Raigar's outfit is really weird, I get that he is supposed to be big and masculine, but it's really over the top, he even sleeps with all that huge heavy-looking armor intact! Yuki is by far THE WEIRDEST! Not even the people in her hometown wear that kind of outfit, even Professor Kou (PURPLE WIZARD-ROBE WITH WHITE GLOVES) looks average beside her! The Queen of Ice on the other hand looks smoking HOT!! Overall they are OK! The Golems look really nice, some are cute, others look vicious like dinosaurs! Although they are many in number, not one golem looks like the other, THAT is original, they really put a big effort into making them AND they made 30 more for the PS3 version, NOW THAT'S A BIG BONUS!! They are of many shapes and figures, Ninja's, Samurai Warriors, Mercenaries, Reptiles, Angels, Demons, Dinosaurs, Birds, Maids, Mythological Gods, Pixies, Faeries, Goblins, Hounds, Mythological creatures, Nurses, Robots, Knights, Magicians, Witches, Trees, Pyre Pumpkin, an Elephant, a Bulldog, a Pizza Man, a clown and a Butler with a tall white beard...ETC!! I guess these are the ones I remember, don't be surprised if you find more! Some of them are really funny and weird; I mean who would have guessed that a nurse can hide a huge machine gun under her skirt? That's a Golem for you! During battles the animations are very well done, some attacks are very well-executed in matter of display and really make each battle a treat for the eyes, of course, not all the enchantments or attacks are good, some have boring animations, but that is understandable since the attacks and techniques are ranged from weaker to stronger, the best attacks you'll find are the EX Attack Skills, which resemble LIMIT BREAKS from Final Fantasy VIII. Also I noticed that the fire based attacks are much better looking than the other elemental based attacks, for unknown reasons, then again this is just my opinion. Okay fellas, let's talk GAMEPLAY!!
So, you're running through Rodinus Forest, when suddenly symbols of enchantment fill the screen to form a warp hole and everything goes white, you'll find yourself in an area exactly similar to the one you were in, except two chess-like grids (4 X 3) appear, on the upper grid a number of Golems will appear, the camera zooms out, your characters appear on the opposite grid, the music starts rolling and you either have the chance of first blow or you'll be struck by a Golem first hand. That, ladies and gentlemen is a battle in Enchanted Arms, okay, on the lower left side of the screen a mini menu will be displayed showing all the characters' Hit Points (HP), the stamina of the characters, which if it reaches zero, the character will be knocked out and won't be able to participate in the battle until He/She/It is revived, HP can be lost when the character is hit by an enemy, the amount of damage depends on the char's level and Parameters (PRM), HP also can be recovered by using Healing Potions and Healing Enchants. Along with HP, Ether Points (EP) will also be displayed, each skill consumes a set amount of EP, if EP reached Zero, no skills can be performed and you'll have to restore it either by using Items or by resting for a whole turn, by choosing Stand By. Under the HP and EP gauges, a combo gauge is also present, this gauge fills up when multiple chars attack the same enemy, when it's full, all the other chars with full gauges attack at the same time to deal a larger amount of damage, speaking of damage and Knocked Out status, if you inflict a substantial amount of damage to the enemy, you'll cause an Upper Damage status and the enemy will shatter and disappear from the battlefield instantly, that will prevent Golems with reviving abilities from resurrecting the fallen ones because, as a difference from the other RPGs, a Knocked out enemy won't just disappear, instead it will remain KO'd for a few turns then it will disappear on it's own, in some battles, especially the hard ones, wiping out the enemy instantly is the best approach to make them easier or even winnable! Above the chars' selectable bars, another gauge is also present, the EX Gauge, this gauge is very special, it fills up as long as enemies are defeated, it is shared only by all the main chars present on the battlefields i.e. Golems have nothing to do with it, only Atsuma and the other human chars fill up the EX Gauge, it is rated by percentage, making 100% the limit. Depending on the amount of the gauge full, the chars can perform special attacking skills that can hit a single, multiples selected, or the whole enemy grid, resulting in a great amount of damage, these EX Skills are not all offensive, some are defensive like healing all the chars on the grid and reviving them or increase the protection of the ally grid thus, decreasing the amount of damage received from the enemies, there is another way to fill up the EX gauge, but we'll talk about that later. To start attacking the enemies, select one of the chars, the grid is divided as squares (4 x 3), you can move your chars only to the squares that become blue in color after you select the char, another menu will appear and you'll get to select the attacking skill, each technique requires EP, if the EP available is less than the EP required, that skill will be overshadowed and un-selectable, so you'll have to refill your EP in order to use it. Once you select the technique, the range of the attack will be displayed in red color on the enemy grid, depending on which square the enemy is placed, the attack skill can be inflected on a single or multiple of enemies, above the EX Gauge a set of four squares numbered from 1-4 are present, when you finish assigning the char's task for this turn, his/her face will fill one of the squares, indicating the order the char's will react according to. After you finish assigning the order of attack, a confirmation message will appear, you can confirm the order or turn back and change it. Depending on the Agility of the char, the chars will act as ordered unless one or more of them have weak Agility (Speed), the Golem will interfere with the order, some enemies with high agility, will always get the first turn and will attack viciously, sometimes I ended up with only Atsuma standing, while all the others died on the first turn!! If you select an EX Attack Skill, a bar will be displayed, by using the SIXAXIS feature of the PS3, you can charge up the bar which extends to 20% by shaking the controller repeatedly, this let's you add more damage percentage to the EX Attack making it much stronger, a necessity in some boss battles, even if the attack is defensive, the effect also increases. If you feel that the attack animations are taking too long, there is an option that appears each time you select an attack or during an attack initiated by the enemy, this allows you fast forward the animations of the attack sequences, in order to do so, press the Triangle button on your controller, this option will make battles run fast and smooth. After moping the floor with your enemies, the winning screen will appear, this will show the Experience Points (XP), which you need in order to level up your chars (DUUUUUH!!!), Money, of course, the amount of Vitality Points (VP) lost and the amount of Skill Points gained. VP are lost with each turn you take in a battle, each char has VP and if a char reaches Zero VP, the HP and EP will be reduced to (1) and no item can restore them, there are two ways to do so, either you use an item called God's Vigor or you can restore your HP, EP and VP for all your chars and Golems by using the Healing Stations which are scattered around the world. SP allows you two things, learn new skills and improve your parameters, by accessing the menu screen, you get to choose the Parameter option, each char and Golem has a number of Parameters to make each stronger, this is actually another way to level up your fighter, these Parameters are HP, EP, Direct, Ranged, Support and Agility (Speed). HP and EP are increased by 15 points when you upgrade them, the rest only increase by 5 points, the number of SP required to upgrade a certain Parameter will increase each time it's upgraded. You'll also gain Gems, these are divided to three types, Power, Mind and Speed, these are used to make weapons out of weapon cores and Golems out of Golem cores. Cores can be bought from shops in towns and Shopping Stations scattered around the world or they can be gained from defeating enemies. Skills are can be bought from shops in towns or Shopping Stations, when you gain enough XP, Skills will be added to your Skill disposal, which can be accessed by the Skill option in the menu, you can learn these Skills by spending SP, some require minimum amounts, other require large amounts to learn. Not all skills are attacking skills, there are also supportive skills that have various functions like increasing Parameters, doubling XP, doubling Money earned...etc! About that other way to increase your EX Gauge, if you press R1 outside of battles you'll make Atsuma dance!!! Oh yeah! You'll be transported to disco stand where You have to shake your controller to fill up a bar that will be displayed on the lower part of the screen, each bar can be filled to 6%, which will be added to your EX Gauge, after a minute or so, the dance will be over and you'll return to the point you were!! This is a big relief than waiting for it to fill up during battles! Exploration in Enchanted Arms is nothing out of the ordinary, you'll find boxes containing items in dungeons and towns, you'll also find Golems standing out there waiting for you to challenge them in a fight, these battles are usually harder than normal ones, so you'll have to plan your strategy correctly in order to win, if you do, you'll get that Golem's core, if you have the right amounts of Gems, you'll create this Golem and add it to your ranks! You can also buy Golem Cores fro shops! Weapon Cores are either found in boxes or bought from shops, they also require Gems to create. Skill learning, Weapons and EX Attacks CANNOT be used by Golems, they have a set of skills that you can use and that's it! you'll have to increase your Golem's Friend Points (FP) to make them do Combos with you. If you don't know where to go next, Atsuma keeps a journal that you can access from the menu screen. I guess that's about all I can say about how the game plays, sorry if I messed anything. Now, as you may have noticed, there are a lot of stuff to do outside of battle, I'm not really sure anymore that you can call all THAT traditional; I mean, two ways to level up, 130 Golems to obtain and choose from...etc! The gameplay is really what keeps you motivated and intrigued, I red so many reviews about this game and they all say the same thing, TOO MANY BATTLES....Really? I didn't notice that at all, nothing that I haven't seen before. Suikoden 4, NOW THAT IS TOO MANY BATTLES!! Enchanted Arms really does everything right, except for a few things, for instance, why couldn't Golems have their own EX Skills? Was it too difficult to add? I understand that 130 is a lot of work but it would've made things more exciting...No? Well then why can't they let us customize their skills at least? That also would've been fun. Well, nothing is complete, everything has flaws...I guess... Another thing that bothers me is that on the Xbox 360 version, there was an online feature where you can display your Golems and battle them against other players online!SWEEEEEEEET! On the PS3 version...NOT!! No online feature...That makes gathering all those Golems kinda pointless at the end, well, not TOTALLY pointless but it takes a lot out of the experience, why should I bother having 130 Golems if I can't show them off? By the end of the day, you'll settle with what you have, that is not good for this kind of game, unless you're obsessive compulsive and follow voices in your head that force you to complete everything...YIKES!! What I like most about this game is that you can complete all the side quests with no trouble, of course they are a lot harder but very doable, they just take time, I love RPGs that let you do that, in my opinion, side quests don't necessarily have to be complicated or frustrating, you'll actually have fun doing them and the rewards are sweet!! The thing that I didn't like in this Game is that you get to choose from a lot of Cores, Items and weapons from shops, but you can't have them, Why? Well, because most of the time you won't have enough money! the battles will pay you only scraps when you start to play, things will pick up eventually but it takes more time than necessary! There is a trick where you can get a lot of money early though, you can do that in the Casino! The Casino is a place inside London City that lets you play various mini games like Golem Battles and Roulette! It's a nice feature but nothing new to RPGs, still you get to earn chips and exchange them for pretty valuable prizes like Skills and Golem Cores that you can't find anywhere else, one of these Skills is so valuable that you can't win the ultimate optional boss battle without using that Skill!! That's a nice motivation to play in the Casino, wouldn't you say? Oh, and one more thing, you'll literally walk your way across the world because no Airships or Cars are available, I would have settled for a balloon just to fly over the wonderful landscape, that is too bad, really!! But don't be afraid, there are warp points that transport you to the places you previously visited, those are available in the last village you visit just before the final dungeon, that really takes a load of your back when you reach the final dungeon and feel like visiting previous towns to buy Cores or finish side quests, I think that is a sufficient make up for not having vehicles to control. Okay, that sums up the Gameplay...FINALLY!! PHEW!! Next are Sound & Music! I respect a game with options, and in this game, you'll have plenty, it is not afraid to show you that the English Voice Acting can be bad at times, so they gave you the option of changing the voice language to Japanese, you can complain all you like about the game but you can't say squat about voice acting because no one is forcing you to hear it, don't like English? That's OK, switch to Japanese!! There, Ya happy?? In my opinion, the voice actors did a decent job! Really! Johnny Hawkes is an actor who has been in the business for a long time, so don't tell me he can't act! oh, and you probably recognized some of the voices right? we heard these before in RPGs that were considered stars in the industry when it comes to Voice acting, the ones that I recognized are as follows:

Karin: Amanda Winn-Lee (Persona 2 E.T., Persona 4, Digital Devil Saga 1&2...etc)

Makoto: Liam O'Brian (Dot Hack G.U. series, Valkyrie Profile 2, Persona 3, Suikoden IV, Tales of the Abyss...etc)

Raigar: Paul St.Peter or Michael McConnehie (am not sure which, but both are avert Voice Actors who own their own companies)

Sayaka: Bridget Hoffman (Xenosaga I & III, Dot Hack G.U...etc) Those are the ones I remember, but still, ask yourself, you remember these guys, right? Are they bad? Seriously! maybe the ADR director wasn't that good but you can't blame the Actors, this is definitely an ALL-STAR Cast, so if you don't like them...well, switch to Japanese!! As for the soundtrack, it's really original, they revamped it in the PS3 version and added new battle tracks, which are really amazing, there are many vocal tracks, if you played the Xbox 360 version, you'd notice that many important battles felt like normal boss battles because they featured the same music, but here it's a whole new experience, thanx to From Software music department I guess... Ask any RPGer out there, What are you looking for in an RPG? He'll say a bunch of stuff, but am 100% sure he'll mention Music! What motivates you to walk through long roads, empty deserts or maze like dungeons? Why is it that you feel a rush of energy and Adrenaline when you fight a battle where your characters and your enemies line up and wait for turns? What makes you remember towns made of 3D Polygons? Why do you find yourself humming One Winged Angel while doing the dishes? And how, in God's name, can you possibly know what LIBERI FATALI means???? The answer to ALL these questions is simple....You're a freak!!!....
LOL...Sorry am kidding, of course it's the MUSIC!!! La Musica!!! Enchanted Arms does not fall short here either, the music is fantastic and some tracks are very environmental, you can hear the river creek on multiple occasions, unfortunately most of the tracks are synthetic and that is a big mistake in a PS3 Console game, because I'm pretty sure that the Blu-Ray can handle real instruments, wouldn't you agree? Non the less, the music still sounds a lot like the real thing but not quite! I'll say it again, the music is really catchy and intriguing okay? You'll love it I guarantee!!

Overall, this game does everything right but it still has it's flaws. It kinda reminds me of the first Shadow Hearts, remember? outdated CG cut scenes, mediocre graphics and weird music...Still, it became a huge cult following which gave the company a chance to make two sequels which had outstanding CG cut scenes, impressive graphics and rocking music, see? if you give an RPG enough chance to impress you, you can be a winner, a lot of guys are searching everywhere for a copy of the first Shadow Hearts although they dismissed it when it first came out in favors for a more popular game, pay back is a **** This game has a lot to give so don't make a decision that you'll regret later! If you call yourself an RPGer, go buy this game now before it runs out! Go gather those Golems and give that Queen a whooping!! Be the No.1 Golem Hunter in the world! Why? I don't know WHY, JUST DO IT!! Thank you so much for reading this LONG review, I really hope that I met your expectations and gave you a strong motive to buy this diamond in the rough! THANK YOU "FROM SOFTWARE" YOU REALLY DID A GREAT JOB WITH THIS GAME, I REALLY HOPE YOU'D MAKE MORE AND HOPEFULLY IT WILL BE MORE APPRECIATED THIS TIME, THANK YOU!