such an odd game! Shame the content doesn't match the graphics!

User Rating: 6 | Enchant Arm PS3
This is asuch a weird game!!
The graphics are good, the storyline is good, the acting... well the acting is as you would expect (altought the gay character at the start will still make me giggle for hours!!)The battle system is your simple grid turn based affair - so where does it go wrong? I honestly don't know. Something just didn't click with me and this game. I enjoyed the characters. Your basic team consists of 4 characters, each with an element and a skill of their own. You have your shooter, your tank, your fighter and your mage/healer. But then on top of this you get to create a back up party of "golums" who are like magic robot's that you control. they will fight for you and they will level up, never gain new abilities but get stronger as they grown. It;s a nice touch, but I enjoy having my 4 main characters in my team thank you, so that was wasted on me, unless I was in a dungeon trying to keep people alive!!
I have tried to play this game twice and neither time have i made it through to the end!!
Sorry Enchanted Arms - you just didn't cut it for me.