What a terrible charmless frustrating game.

User Rating: 4.5 | Enchant Arm PS3
No, No, No this is a really bad game. The character movement is clunky and reminds you of PS1 games before 3d worlds appeared. Clunky movement, terrible terrible voice acting, shocking linear story, and really really poor combat system make this the worst PS3 game I have ever purchased.

I love turn based games, and get the Japanese franchises, love disgaea, final fantasy which this game tries to be, but just takes all the annoying bits from these games and bundles them together.

I dont know where the good games are going to come from on the PS3, but it would appear that UbiSoft are not going to be a shining beacon of quality. Going to try folklore see if there is anything to it, but it appears the PS3 only has shooters or driving games (gutted).

Rent it if you must, but do not part with any money.
Ok, I have come back to this game after 6 months, and it is WORSE than I remember, who are these people posting 9.0's!! Dont waste your money on this get Valkeria Chronicles or Eternal Sonata both of which knock the spots off this poor excuse for a game.