amazing game that is underapperticiated i no i spelt it wrong lol

User Rating: 9.5 | Enchanted Arms X360
i loved the game i just found that it pissed me off wen u beat the game u hav to hav xbox live to play more. this pissed me off badly ebcasue i overwrited the saved file of me outside the ice castle and i didnt get to play for like 5 months till i got live. i found big flaw in this game that is the enmies are to hard it took me forever to beat the lord of earth and wen i did i had to train for like 3 hours so i was able to get to the sages tower. i found everything else in the game very good just some things were confusin like tb just shouldve called it gold and took me forever to figure out wat vp was which i think is a stupid feature to put in the game. i also found it really frustrating wen ralgar atsuma and karin all couldnt attack far atsuma learns l8ter and wen a golem kept attatcking me from far i got pissed off and turned off the system, wen i got yuki i was statisfied. i loved the feature at the end of the game with the god orbs to keep u playin it and i luv how theirs online so i can show off my 3 nice golems. the bets feature in the game is because has a funny and amazing story line and its long :D