enchanted arms has enchanted my love for the xbox 360

User Rating: 9.5 | Enchanted Arms X360
this game is so fun and i loved playing it

the battle system is great and i like how every battle you play as a certain character they get some points and you can use them ponits to upgrade them which makes for a good experience and makes you want to fight but the only bad ponit is it has random encounter and when your nearly dead and near a save ponit this could make you die but iits not really that bad

it has great graphics and a fantastic story which is so good i cried and i have played this game through 4 times now it has a very complex but easy to understand gameplay and there are lots of monsters to collect and train but its a shame they cant learn finishers and you end up only using monsters as a back up if one of the main characters die

you have 4 people in a battle at once and its kinda turn based gameplay but you move them round a grid but you dont go to the enemies side if you get what i am talking about each characters has a set amout of vp which are vitality ponits and when they reach zero every battle there in they only have 1hp and no magic but they can get healed at a funky looking heal ponit and thats about all you do is fight to get to a certain place heal boss fight and keep doing that but this game is fantastic and there are loads of monsters to collect colouful graphics and a great story that keeps you playing the game all the way to the end