Possibly the funniest RPG I have ever played.

User Rating: 8 | Enchanted Arms X360
I know I am very late in playing and reviewing this game but I am trying to finish some of my older games so I can buy the new ones. That being said, here is my review on Enchanted Arms:

This is the funniest game I have ever played. From Homosexual characters, to crazy conversations and one liners, this game had me laughing to the point of tears on some occations. Check out you tube for some hilarious cut scenes and you will see what I mean. The story is common, Atsuma is the main character and his arm is possesed with an ancient Golem who is trying to be reborn so it can complete its original programming and remake the Earth. Of course, Atsuma and the other characters dont find this out till the end of the game. Along the way you find 3 other characters who will join you for the quest to stop the Ice Queen from destroying the Cities. The Ice Queen was accidently revived and destroys the first City, taking Atsuma's friend as her Magicore in order to become more powerful.

The game works off a very interesting battle grid. Enemies and players alike can only move to certain points on the grid and attack in certain directions. So strategy is key in winning some battles. PLus, elements play a huge part as each character and Golem is either Wind, Dark, Light, Fire, Water or Earth and of course opposites cause more damage. In almost every battle your team of any 4 players you choose (I will go into detail on this in a minute) will strike first, followed by the enemy, if they survive. Some characters will take up more than one grid space and some can only heal or support. However, you have hundreds of Golems to choose from, or just use the 4 main characters.

In your travels you will find Core's which can become Golems that can also be used in battle. Depending on the situation, its better to bring Golems into battle instead of Human characters. then there are the totally useless Golems that are just cool to look at. The one down side to this game is that there are so many cool or powerful Golems that you will simply never use. For example, I completed the side quest in defeating the Pillar guardians and obtained their Core's. But the Golems I had at the time were better so I never used the new ones. Then i completed the 4 element temples and got the Boss cores which I used for a time, but then realized that my main characters were stronger. The only Golem that I used at the end of the game was Floresia, who I won as a prize at the Casino. This is only because her healing and power up spells were stronger than the human. I wish I could have used more of the powerful Golems in fights but there was no point.

The storyline progresses well and soon, with all the cutscene laughing, I found myself really enjoying the game. The level grinding wasnt that bad and you also get SP points which can be used to further boost your characters skills. Adding the extra HP turned out to be a blessing in the end. There isnt that much backtracking, but the lack of warp points means that you need to walk everywhere and sometimes it can be boring. But the constant battles will be a nice break in the boredom. Plus if you like, you can keep switchig out your Golems to keep things interesting.

This is one of the few games where the main "Hero" was actually really, ummm, lacking any wisdom. In fact, even some of the choices you make in the game just make him seem even less intelligent then he might be. Everytime there is a tutorial, the answer is always "Press A". The A button was for everything but they made it seem that each thing would be overly complicated, but instead the answer is Press A. Kinda entertaining.

Overall, the game has it's flaws but the fun factor and large quantity of Golems will keep you occupied. Worth a play if you need a break from some of the newer RPG games available.